ljoy, I wish I could clone your therapist. I was wondering about one of those chain tutoring places, but those tutors most likely don't even have a degree in education and are probably paid barely over minimum wage. We had tried OT about a year ago, and the OT was trying to work a bit with the writing and the slow processing speed, but it was clear she was just randomly trying things and didn't understand the issue. I'm just so tired of trying things that don't help and if we get the wrong person, it could make things worse. She had a teacher last year (a long-term sub who retired as a full-time teacher) and the teacher would constantly bark at her, tell her to get going, make better choices etc. Even after giving so many people articles on slow processing speed (like this one) http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Articles_id_10782.aspx things still don't necessarily change. I always get the impression that people skim through articles like that and then promptly dismiss them or forget about them. It really makes me wonder how many truly good teachers there are out there, if they are unwilling to spend 10 min. reading an article that could really help.