Originally Posted by NotSoGifted
However, you can still be a scientist if you don't grade skip.

Unless not being challenged in school caused you to lose interest due to boredom. Or always being the top kid in your grade (without expending any effort) allowed you to become complacent and lazy in your studies (which made actual rigor in college a huge shock to your system).

I have a twice grade skipped daughter, taking two foreign languages, who has amassed more credits after 5 trimesters of HS than most of her peers will in 9, and she is still half-arsing most of her classes. I cannot imagine how bored she would be not having been skipped.

Would swim be a little more satisfying if she were with her age-mates? Sure it would. But a decade from now, I'd rather see a medical degree hanging on her wall than a swim team MVP plaque from HS.

Just my two cents. Please don't be offended by my brusqueness.

Best of luck,

For gifted children, doing nothing is the wrong choice.