Originally Posted by Dottie
Eventually we did get the last HP test, but DS read it hot off the press, and was unable to test once school started that year. I know there are "package" deals, that include more access, but maybe because we've been using it longer, we still have to purchase them test by test??? I also think we "censor" just a bit at certain levels (for example, Alex Rider books weren't at the 2nd-4th school). I don't know...

We'll deal with it for the next 3 years, but it's not my favorite "curriculum" at the moment. Just keep giving my kids reasonable goals, and let them approach it how they like, and I'll be happy. For example, DS9 likes to go in on the first day of each new quarter, and get his AR points as fast as possible. So he'll test on books he read the last quarter. Then he won't test again until the new goal comes out. He's still reading of course, so I'm okay with it, but I'm waiting for some teacher to give him an unreasonable goal because of this approach.

I do admit that many of the books GS uses for AR come from the public library. Many of the higher reading levels are for middle school/high school interest level and they do not have them in the elementary school, but they still have the quiz available in the elementary school.
I have been pre-screening his books for the last year, except for Harry Potter. Those aren't my taste and his friend was reading them.