Originally Posted by Ania
My both kids disliked AR they were forced to do in early grades.The selection of books(and tests) was limited and the program kind of forces you to read what is on an AR list.

Really? There must be different purchase options for the quizzes.
For GS, I went out to AR quizzes and searched for the level, topic, fiction/nonfiction, etc., and got a list of books that met my specs. Then I looked for that book(online) at our library and checked it out. Then GS could read it & take the quiz.
His teacher also kept baskets of books, separated by level, in the classroom, although GS went through everything she had and exceeded the level available in the classroom. The school library also coded the books by AR level to help kids make their selections.
Anyway, there are tens of thousands of books/quizzes available. It does get limited to several thousand if you're searching for high level(middle school and up)/lower interest(middle school and down). It's also limited if you are searching for books not written in English.
I have heard of some teachers limiting the child to the selection of books within the classroom, is that what happened with your kids?