Gifted kids need to be recognized a "high risk" group, but one with great potential, and the challenge is to get the general public to buy it. There is ample data on the relatively high drop-out rate of gifted kids but the lore is still that these kids will be just fine without any intervention needed. Maybe some stories could be told about the tragic side of high IQ.

Yes, Jool, I'm in agreement about that. In fact, DS was a victim of just that - even after testing at DYS levels, we were told that he'll do fine wherever he is as long as he is supported for his writing. Turned out not to be true. I've had quite the education this year! That's partially why I'm thinking out loud here.

I wanted to clarify that that statement was made by one of the professionals we consulted - and I think the world of her. It just goes to show that the old GT perception remains. Our testing psych did say it will be hard no matter what where he goes - I just didn't understand what she meant. But all of this has been part of our learning process.

Last edited by questions; 07/26/08 07:17 AM. Reason: wanted to make it clear that I was not complaining about the people we consulted; they've done a lot for us