Originally Posted by GGG
Loves preschool right now.
This is a strong positive. Will the children from his preschool be flowing as group to the same kindergarten next year? Or will a number of them stay in the preschool for another year?

He thinks all kids are like him.
You may wish to look for teachable moments to point out strengths and differences among children, affirming character values such as being a good sport, graceful winner/loser, teamwork, persistence, positive communication, ability to control temper (making good choices in how to express being disappointed), empathy, apology/forgiveness, etc.

He says he wants a playdate every single day.
Are you able to arrange for some playdates?

highly explosive at times.
A red flag and good you are working on this, or he may "poison the well" for future friendships.

My husband and I both look ahead and see a depressed child. He scored high in anxiety and depression on some evaluations... The principal of the school thinks its a good idea for him to attend early or maybe just go into 1st grade early, his pychiatrist thinks it's a good idea to go early. But are they appeasing me by saying this?
You may wish to ask about and explore the processes in place for ongoing support and adjustments for your DC after early entrance, as this may be one way to determine whether they are appeasing you. For example, principal/psych expressing a belief that early entrance is the beginning of collaboration on a journey together (having a plan and/or acknowledging a plan may be needed and jointly developed) would tend to indicate a realistic view and solid support, whereas an expressed belief that early entrance will end the discussion of your child's needs would tend to be indicative of an interest to placate the parent of a gifted child.

I don't want to make a huge mistake either way.
With an approach which emphasizes resilience and flexibility, taking one year at a time, making adjustments along the way, there need not be any huge mistakes.

I feel like there should be a clearcut evaluation process for early K, a checklist, but there isn't.
Kids are all different, environments change, there are no guarantees.

I don't want him to be the youngest kid in the class
Many successfully accelerated children, and their parents, refrain from pointing out age differences or making a point that a child is the youngest in the class. Oftentimes others forget who is youngest.

I do not want him to begin K and then skip to 1st, a full year of 1st is important.....or is it?
This may depend upon the kid, the learning environment, the teacher, the mix of other kids in the class.

Recent threads, which you may have already read, include:
Opinions/experiences - early 1st with this profile

Delaying Kindergarten

Moving from public to private school after K

Young 5's or Summer Birthdays

early kindergarten advice or considerations

Early entry kindergarten -- should we undo it?

Effects of Early Grade Acceleration