[ it's an issue of forcing him to be in school early means a year of his childhood is taken away.]

Being challenged in school and enjoying another year of childhood are not mutually exclusive. However, a school that believes in it and makes it happen is hard to find. Are there play/nature based, truly child-centered, multi-age classroom schools in your area? These are typically small schools with passionate teachers and attract a specific profile of families. Dd5.5 is in such a school and she is having a blast! You asked about 1st grade and how important it is not skip. Well, 1st grade is very light on academics and the way your child is going, he will be done with it this summer. So doing a year of k and skipping 1st might not be a bad idea either. You know your kid the best so do what feels right to you and know that no situation is permanent, good or bad. All the best.