Oh, Bronalex I know somewhat how you feel. My son has had 5 yrs of ot, 2.5 yrs of vt, and about 2 yrs of neuro on/off. We saw the most improvements with vt too, some of them dramatic.

Does my son still have coordination/body issues, social issues, and emotional intensity? Yes. He was born with severe SPD, visual deficits, etc. Have some of them improved over time? Yes. And I haven't done any therapies for the last year. Ds is now 9.5 yrs old.

I hate seeing my son struggle too. I know it stinks. However, your son is 8. Over the next couple of years, you will see changes regardless. Eventually his brain and body will start catching up to one another, but it may take some time.

Have you tried water therapy, martial arts, or something similar? Ds did water therapy for a bit and that did help a bit. Also, he's starting to bike more and that's been helpful as well.