The Broca's area and Wernicke's area, related to speech/language, are located on the left side of the brain.

Pseudo-science may arise based on early research in an area, and/or misapplication of an idea or set of ideas which are correct (there is the possibility of some being focused more on growing an industry and less on serving needs); A grain of truth may get coated in extrapolation and/or commercialization.

Some may say that detractors, opponents, and/or de-bunkers may, at times, use a strawman rather than explanations actually provided by proponents.

It is wise to consider both supportive and opposing opinions, anecdotes, and research to determine what the preponderance of the evidence suggests. The forums can be a great place to cast a wide net for information, however responses can sometimes be a bit one-sided as those who express an alternate view or minority view on a topic may experience unpleasantness.

Neuroscience For Kids seems to explain the functions of the brain hemispheres, and experiments about them, well.