Okay, that last part....really just summed up everything for me. I mean, I always know I don't want to paint that room blue, and I don't want green or yellow but....then what do I want? I never know what I actually want, just what I don't.
And that's so true for me about the thinking/feeling thing, or at least sometimes. Because it's like, do I FEEL like this or like this? Not just if I feel like I want pizza or a sandwich (although of course that's another thing), but do I feel lunch-y and nostalgic like the pb&j or do I feel happy and carefree like pizza? And then I ask other people what I should do when I can't decide, and they stare at me like Can't you make your own choices? And how do you FEEL lunch like that?
At least I know it's not just me. Hope that made sense BTW - maybe that last part IS just me. :-)