My 12yo son is 2E with dyslexia and dysgraphia, which was diagnosed at age 7. He received a 504 in 2nd grade, but since the school wouldn't provide much besides accommodations, we hired a private tutor for 3 years, who was really wonderful. He's in 7th grade now and doing amazingly well. His reading is at above 12th-grade level, and he's getting a B+ in writing. His spelling is still atrocious, but his actual writing is fine. He doesn't use any of the accommodations in his 504 except that he reads on his kindle (with larger text) and sometimes just listens to the books rather than reads them. His 504 gives him extra time on tests and assignments, the ability to keyboard (all the students do this now), stipulates that teachers can't mark down for spelling unless it's for a spelling test, and it allows him to use an ereader when necessary.

He's getting all As except for that B+ in writing. Based on this, I don't see the need to continue with the 504, but I'm wondering if there is some long-term issue I'm not considering?