My OB did not give too many specifics other than not to let the HR go too high. For my first, I was already doing just mostly cardio and just went with comfort level and went from working out 2x a day to once a day... I went from the gym to the hospital with just a quick stop in my office to tell my co-workers that I was going to hospital (water broke early).

For my second, I was just too tired to go to the gym with my full time job and a toddler at home. So it was mostly just doing whatever activities we did with DS (walks when weather was nice and so on) and stuff like taking stairs and walking around the office (our cafeteria is a long walk). I was definitely much more tired second time around and by the end, security at work was asking me to just park in visitors parking so they would not have to stress out as they watched me slowly walk across the parking lot in the intense southern summer heat.