Just wanted to share a study from the University of Montreal (Canada!) that found a correlation between maternal exercise during pregnancy and lasting neurological benefits, namely memory, for newborns.


I was excited to see this emerging research, as misinformation about exercise during pregnancy is rampant on the maternal health side of the equation, alone, with mothers at low risk of complications often cautioned by their physicians to excessively restrict exercise. Given the high prevalence of extended breastfeeding, cosleeping, and whole food diets here, I'd be curious to hear how many mothers here kept up their exercise during pregnancy and, if they scaled it back, what they changed.


For anecdata, I exercised a dedicated 8-10 hours per week while pregnant with DS, an equal split of weightlifting and track workouts. These are the amendments I made to my training.

- Trimester 1: heart rate <140bpm for cardio, cut training by 2-4 hours/week
- Trimester 2: substituted standing exercises for supine ones; restricted overhead lifts to shoulder and arm workouts; substituted machine cardio intervals or track sprints for jarring plyometrics (e.g. Box jumps); took longer rest intervals as needed
-Trimester 3 began using bands to assist pull ups; no lifts >100lbs because of joint laxity

What is to give light must endure burning.