I see highly variable levels of parent involvement at DD's gifted magnet when it comes to projects. I know kids have been scribed for...I think I only did this once when DD was in 2nd or 3rd and "typed" was a requirement (DD still really can't type). I try to provide only guidance and suggestions about things like...if you glue that on first, how will you attach the other thing? And her projects look like it, though she happens to be artsy (not as much on 3d stuff). But since 2nd grade, I have been seeing projects come in that look like a talented adult made them. The teachers appear to be canny about this and DD has never been graded down for turning a project that looks like an actual child made it. Still, I have had moments of cold doubt in the stomach when seeing what other kids were bringing in!

With daily HW, I used to check DD's, but stopped around 4th grade. I now assume that she is following through and if not, well, that's her concern. I still look at DS's because he's still kind of inclined to screw around and dash off something terrible if not in the mood. DD has got a pretty good work ethic by now.

For a big written project for DD, I will read it over and point out grammatical or spelling errors (I don't fix them for her), as well as things like, "You might want to cut out this part here where you say, 'Duh.'".