Originally Posted by Mom2Two
So, I'm talking to private school admission representatives. And, I'm going in being honest. I just don't want to waste my time on situations that won't work.

Its been interesting. Some common statements:

--We don't like homogeneous classrooms because it makes one group of kids think they are better than the others.
More so than being in a class where you are clearly smarter than most of the other children?
--smart kids sometimes think they are better than others, so we really want to avoid that for him.
Kids' self-perceptions are their own business, unless they are so negative as to be debilitating. Some athletic kids have egos too, so do you abolish varsity sports?
--middle school is a time of great change so it is more important to work on character than academics.
Concentrating on academic work takes your mind off of your appearance, why you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. Meeting academic challenges can build character.

Have others heard these? What is your take-away with these statements? Any red flags or warnings I should heed?
Most of the statements sound like red flags to me. It would be frustrating to pay tuition at a school whose philosophy you disagree with. I will save that pleasure for college smile.