Originally Posted by Portia
DS's school used green, yellow, red during his TK year. Everyone started on green, but could move down only. During his K year, everyone started on green. You could move up 2 levels or down 2 levels. The class as a whole could also move the group up a level or down a level. It was very subjective with the kids of the highest donors getting the highest positive on a daily basis. DS took zero risks and did what he needed to do to stay on green.

There was 1 day in which DS went down a level. It was the assistant teacher's birthday. The class was supposed to keep it secret that they knew and would throw a surprise party later. DS was so excited about the birthday, he told the teacher Happy Birthday when she came in. He moved down a level as a consequence. It embarrassed him tremendously. The other kids made a VERY big deal of it. At the end of the day, the kid who was on yellow (being the one level down) daily came running up to me to tell me DS was on "yellow" before DS could tell me. He was in tears by the time we got to the car. I told him he was in Kindergarten and learning. Some days will be good, some days bad - that is the point of learning. I did not find out until the next day that it was because of his excitement about the birthday that got him in trouble.

It never happened again.

I am so glad we homeschool now.

This breaks my heart. Those of you who are educators, is this method taught in college of ed courses? Is there actual research behind it?