aeh, thank you so much for the helpful suggestions and strategies for next year. I am especially intrigued by the idea of a single dorm room. DS is typically pretty quiet and reserved. While he has friends and is fine socially, he really enjoys his own company. Having his own space may make a huge difference in his focus.

His chosen major will have a great amount of active learning right off the bat. I agree that will be helpful also.

If I may, these are his subtest scores from (2005) and 2008 on the WISC-IV

SI 14 (14) BD 15 (15)
VC 14 (14) PC 14 (14)
CO 11 (14) MR 14 (17)

DS 10 (12) CD 4 (5)
LN 11 (12) SS 10 (7)

VCI 116 (124)
PRI 127 (133) I do not have the subtest scores
WMI 102 (110) from 2011.
PSI 83 (78)

All testing was done at approximately 8:30 a.m., with a two hour car ride prior, but that was consistent each time.

DS probably does display challenges with switching tasks, but it is difficult to see in a nonacademic setting.

Again, thank you for your thoughtful reply. Great advice.