Thank Howler. Yes I do plan to have him do prep, even if we do/don't get accommodation. The question is what type of prep to do? I'm starting to look into programs. I am leaning towards a putting him in one of the popular 6-8 week group courses in August/September. We both agree that trying to prep at home on his own is a recipe for him NOT doing it. He needs that push that only being a class can give but I don't think he needs specialized help just lots of practice.

One thing that makes me a bit guilty about this is that I SHOULD have requested extra time on the ACT for my DD. It probably would have improved her score and she did have extra time on test on her IEP for years. But since she wasn't looking at school where top scores would really matter.

P.S. That bit about the essay being BEFORE the rest of the test is a problem. That will be DS's most challenging part. And having it first will be an issue for his anxiety. I wonder if this is something they might change for the "new SAT". Or if they give him extra time of the essay writing that would administered later. Something I should check.

Last edited by bluemagic; 02/12/15 11:45 AM.