Sue is so right....the phone man made me want to cry. When the week has comprised of banging your head against a door for days, it's unimaginable when someone not only opens it, but takes the load you are carrying by trying to help. It does happen when you least expect it. Hang in there Cola!

She was also so very right about remembering the things our kids CAN do. In between dealing with the phone line and the plumber my DD emailed me her English homework....due tomorrow...with a plea for help. It needs help and I was feeling frustrated about what she hasn't done. Sue reminded me...she is asking for help so I can't be cross she has left it so late, although we will work on that, but I will work with what she has done and show her where to go next. And I will remember that earlier in the week, two of the 17 y.o kids in her maths class came to my 13 y.o for help with an algebra problem. And she obliged.

Asynchrony has its up and downs but it does get better and you aren't totally alone. Chocolate is good too.....