Yes, he went to Denver for a Summer Institute and he also loved it! We do not know yet if he will be going againg this year, they do not have the info out yet as to the new terms. Last year my son could only attend commuter option becasue of his age, now they have gotten rid of this one and are doing only residential, at least that is how I understod it. We are also thinking about Reno, but UofU is offering some summer courses for gifted so we will probably make our minds a little later into the spring.
I did not know that you can test for different talent searches. I thought that you had to stick with your regional one. Will have to check this one out. My son would love to receive offers from fancy schools!
As for SET, we were already planning for him to be taking SAT/ ACT pretty much every year from now on. I know that he does have a chance in math, but I have always been surprised at his english scores, since we do not speak english at home at all.