Originally Posted by MichelleC
greenlotus, I've found helpful articles on the website "ADDitude" (www.additudemag.com). Quite a lot of it is written for adults with ADHD rather than just parents or kids, so it might be a good starting point for her, and talk to her at a more direct and appropriate level than many other sources.

It seems to be easy-read but decently evidence-based, with most of the articles written by people who have BTDT. It includes a lot of recommended resources, so she might be able to identify follow-up articles, books, sites, and other more in-depth materials that particularly appeal to her. It has lots of info specific to ADHD-I as well, and doesn't always mix the various types as some other sites do.
My friend recommended their magazine as one of her children has ADHD. It is a good resource. I was just hoping to find something written for kids. I am going to look at their articles about how to talk to kids. Thanks for reminding me about the site!