It's fascinating to hear how the mix differs in different places. Where I am, there's no tidy way to divide the non-fundie group. It's sort of a build-your-own-sandwich menu. Pick any or all of: new-agers, homesteaders, anti-vaxxers, environmentalists, old-school liberals, attachment-parenters, unschoolers, education mavens who would rather do it themselves, gifties, behavior disorders, and ordinary people dissatisfied with public school.

(There are some religious homeschoolers here, but not a lot, and I'm not even sure whether they're homeschooling for religious reasons. Like, maybe they want to give their kids more bible study, but maybe also they felt that the math program stunk or the kids were mean.)

I have varying degrees of tolerance for these different styles, but we are still getting to know the community, being friendly to everybody and figuring out who we click with the most. It won't always be the people we agree with most -- personality matters a lot.