Originally Posted by Cola
Ds 9 in gifted 4th grade self contained class diagnosed highly gifted, ADHD inattentive, dysgraphia, and rote memorization disability. How difficult is this going to be in the public school system?


There is so much the school can do to make an appropriate environment for your child. If they will do it, it won't be that hard. If they won't, it will be very hard. This may vary on a teacher-by-teacher basis, and teacher fit will be make-or-break, especially in the elementary and early middle years. Some things:

--Over time, teach your DS to let you and his teacher know when something is a struggle for him. Our DS had a rotten year, and we taught him that school at that time was like a poorly fitting shoe that hurts, and we were trying to make changes to make it better for him. He knew we were on his team, and he understands that it's not his fault. Very important that he know that it's not his fault if things are hard because of his disability.

--Be a positive communicator. Be ready to offer school information about what is hard for your child, and be ready with suggestions about how tasks could be made to fit him better. Always compliment them when they make special efforts on your child's behalf, and send those compliments right up the food chain to principal/superintendent/etc.

--Know that new challenges will pop up, and be prepared to problem-solve. Teach your child that problems can be solved, and that he can often find solutions in collaboration with his teachers.