DD6 has a FSIQ of 138 on the WISC IV which makes her MG, I think? She's been formally assessed as two years ahead at maths but got everything in that test right and her teacher said that within each maths subtopic she could easily comprehend and answer questions correctly 3-4 years ahead. She has a fantastic working memory (141).

However there's no way she's 2-3 years ahead in English. She does read at that level - her preferred fiction is marketed at 9 year old level and her non fiction books on Space are at 12 year old level. Her spelling, grammar and punctuation are great but her creative writing is very like that of a 6 year old. Her inferential comprehension is also probably age appropriate, in my opinion. She still got an 'A' for English in her school report which means that she's well above national standards but I don't think that gifted 'sparkiness' is there for her in this subject.