There are plenty of sources to help homeschoolers create transcripts--websites, books, even college planning experts. We're not there yet, so I don't have a list to share. Maybe Lorel or someone else does? But it's not a big deal. It's just like compiling a resume from a varied work background. People do it all the time.

Nontraditional avenues of study are pretty common among homeschoolers, especially HG+ homeschoolers, and evidence indicates that colleges are becoming increasingly interested in kids who pursue their own passions with gusto, rather than simply following the typical school path at home. I mean, it makes sense. If you go out of your way to do MORE than other kids, and do it with creativity and passion, what school wouldn't want that? It shows a self-starter, someone who loves to learn, someone who can contribute something to the university community rather than merely filling a seat. The percentage of universities that have procedures on the books for admitting homeschoolers has skyrocketed in the past 10-20 years, which means they recognize the talent pool and want to grab some of it. I read an article that detailed the numbers, but I'm too lazy to look it up. If you doubt me or want to know more, I could dig for it.

Why not take those subjects at college? Well, if there were a local school that were a good fit for a 12yo, I might send my child there. But I'd be nervous about it. Wouldn't you? I mean, 12 is pretty young to be on campus full-time. And I got the sense that we were not discussing just picking up a class here or there at a neighborhood place, but sending the child *off* to college. That I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do unless it were a special program for youngsters like the one Cathy suggested. I'd rent lab space and hire an expert tutor before I'd place a 12yo in that sort of situation, I think.

That's just me, and I never like to judge the decisions of others. This job is hard enough without someone else telling us what a mess we're making of it. We're all doing our best and every kid is different. But I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with full-time college away from home for a 12yo without some sorts of protections in place.
