Originally Posted by Wren
I think some of those camps sound wonderful but they are geared to the summer and then what? Pick a country to spend the year.

And a logistical question. If you do spend a few years like this, how do you apply for college re: transcripts?

Well, I know that the tall ships take volunteers any time of the year (but I don't know at what age since I doubt this particular activity is in our DS's futute). My friend's kid went to the summer camp at maybe 15 or so, then did a 2 week volunteer stint, and then was hired on for the year after graduating HS. Colleges loved her experience and that she wasn't just like every other smart applicant with the same-old activities. I think most schools appreciate an applicant who has followed a passion that is outside of the mainstream. Many homeschool kids do their 2 weeks volunteering on the ship during the school year and some decide to stay on as paid crew if there is a good fit.

I know our local theater company has homeschool acting classes during the school year. There must be tons of these kinds of programs if you just know where to look. It is really the availability of these amazing opportunities that makes homeschooling appealing to me (rather than any problems with our PS). We are compromising by working toward a gap year in 8th grade...