Completely agree with Suevv and Tigerle.

At age 4, my 2e/pg ds9 was in a special needs pre-k program due to a speech delay and physical/SPD issues until we pulled him and put him in a gifted school at age 5 and 6. Between 4-6, ds was misdiagnosed with Asperger's/PDD and ADHD. He was also in vision therapy and that presented a different picture to specialists too. It wasn't a fun time for us.

With some kids, including my son, the visual system seems to take longer to fully integrate, imo. So that can really muddy the waters and make a child appear to have ADHD.

Ds has been un/homeschooled for three years now and I've seen many improvements slowly over time. There's no magic bullets here, but at least with un/homeschooling a lot of the pressure is gone. It's a least-worst scenario for us.

With school, there are expectations and children are pegged against averages of neurotypicals. First, you've got behavioral, attentional, social, and group expectations. Then, there are tons of other expectations in terms of academic performance, which is pitched to a 'normal' developing child and not a pg one. It's a lot for little ones to navigate, especially when you've got asynchronous development or a 2e kid. If your child is a pg introvert, then it can be even worse and make them feel even more self-conscious and aware of their differences.