When my kids were really young, I had the opinion that kids today were too overscheduled and that mine wouldn�t be. Somewhere along to line, that went out the window.
My daughter especially enjoys constant activities. She is extremely bored one week into summer vacation until the activities and vacation plans begin. She has her book bag packed (with required supplies for the next grade) before the end of June.
With the exception of track, she is pretty good at everything she is involved with. It is primarily an issue of a lack of down time. I think everyone in our family except her would like more. Even she gets frustrated when she can�t pursue things that interest her. She bought computer software for learning German and French, but hasn�t had the time for it.
I wouldn�t count on college scholarships for her talents. Just winning the competitive slots at the gigantic local HS that she says she wants to attend would be great. I would like for her to get into band and swim team. This in itself would be a relief (don�t the public HS cart their own teams around?).
BTW, I have heard that partial scholarships are common for band participants who play more obscure instruments such as oboe, French horn and tuba. This may be something for those of you with younger children to consider. This information came too late for my family. My girl plays flute and my boy plays trumpet. You can�t get more clich� than that.