Hi everyone,

I'm new and live in Australia but have been lurking for a few weeks now. We've just recently had our DD6 tested (she's one of 4) due to her maths' abilities. She's always had a "thing" for numbers; could count to 100 before 2 years and could do calculations in her head before she started school. She goes to a relatively academic private girls' school and is doing very very well - we decided to get her tested because of how far ahead she as in maths and how very quick she was with her problem solving. She's also a very good reader and has a new interest in the solar system. Luckily for us she's also sociable, has lots of friends and is moderately athletic and very active. The school doesn't have a G and T program until year 3 (she's in her second year of school, so year one) but the teacher her big sister, aged 8, has had this year has additional training in G and T kids and is generally superb with children of all levels.

(Her sister is probably also in the gifted range but for various reasons we've chosen not to test her, at this stage at least. Mainly because her needs are being met overall and because she's got some anxiety issues and perfectionist traits and a "hard" test would bother her).

I have a meeting with the school tomorrow (which her teacher this year suggested) to discuss DD6's needs for next year and am going to ask for this particular teacher and also that she be with one of her friends from this year, who has similar maths' abilities. I'm pretty sure they'll be accommodating.

Prior to this meeting she had a WISC IV done with a great local child psychologist. The results are surprising to me.

FSIQ : 138 (99th centile) (GAI is 135)
Verbal Comprehension : 130 (98th centile)

Similarities 15
Vocab 15
Comprehension 15

Perceptual Reasoning : 129 (97th centile)

Block Design 13
Picture Concepts 16
Matrix Reasoning 15

Working Memory : 141 (99.7th centile)

Digit Span 17
Letter-Number Sequencing 17

Processing Speed : 123 (94the centile)

Coding 16
Symbol Search 12

The FSIQ is pretty much what I was expecting, we knew she was likely gifted but didn't expect her to score in the very high numbers. However I'm genuinely surprised by how close her VC and PR are for such a numbers based kid.

Does it relate to her working memory in some way?