OK... I haven't followed this whole thread so I don't know if this is a repeat.

What I did in a similar situation (6th grade & again last spring) was take my child to a psychologist. There are a ton of different things that could be causing these problems. At this point you child is VERY UNHAPPY at school, quite possibly depressed and my opinion is you need an outside evaluation of what is going on. You may have a 2E situation. I only just got DS15 an evaluation this summer. Unfortunately this is usually very expensive unless you can get insurance to cover it. You could try and work with the school and see if they will evaluate him.

Despite my son's school not being a great fit academically, I am still trying to make it work because it has been good for him socially. And I'm taking a 15 year old in High School. So I can see why you might want to try and make it work.

Yes to enrolling him in gymnastics. He needs something to succeed in and do you really think at this point gymnastics is going to be the carrot that makes him turn in work at school?