so far from what I have seen it is a one size fits all mentality and that is where my issue lies
You may be interested in the essays in this book, isbn 978-0-9908809, Common Ground on Common Core:
When an ideologically diverse array of the nation's top education activists and experts come together within the pages of a single volume to speak out against the Common Core State Standards and related initiatives in education, the magnitude of the issue couldn't be more clear. Each of the contributors to this book's 18 essays sheds light on a different crucial aspect of the controversial reform package that encompasses Common Core. The collection offers a highly informed and troubling picture of the dangers that false education reform poses to all of us. It also demonstrates that real dialogue and cooperation across political lines is not only possible, but, in fact, crucial if we are to establish pathways for true education that honor students, parents, and teachers alike.
As mentioned in this article, common core is "turning out to be a defining issue for our times."

The book of essays is available from Resounding Books; Essays are also available as ebooks on Amazon:
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4