I agree with Dude, but it would appear as though this is EXACTLY how it is being implemented here.

DD9, my more highly verbal child, is thriving in gifted math class. If anything, it is going too slow for her, because they have slowed down the pace in favor of "going deeper." To be fair, she is also good at math...but it is not her favorite subject. In my opinion, her math class is a very VERBAL math class, where they are currently expected to do a great deal of careful reading and writing...with a bit of math thrown in.

DD6, who might be my more mathy child, is being asked to write and write to explain himself (which is pretty laborious for a 6-year-old, despite the fact that he is also pretty good at spelling/writing). DD never had to write like this as a 1st grader. I do wonder whether this approach to math will turn off the truly mathematically talented kiddos.