Originally Posted by MichelleC
We don't have Common Core, but our province seems to have embraced an approach that sounds a lot like your Everyday Math.

Ah, we have the joy of Common Core COMBINED with Everyday Math at our schools. The problem isn't the textbooks, either - our schools are still trying to decide which textbooks to use. I do give them a great deal of credit for not buying the first books they see with "Common Core" stamped on it. Still, their interpretation of the Common Core is that NO ACCELERATION should take place in math before 7th grade. Even with the gifted students. So the gifted students are instead going at the pace of the regular classes, but it is supposed to be at a deeper level. This might work for some, but so far, it is too slow for my DYS DC. Both if my DC feel as though they are doing "review" of concepts that they already understand rather well in math class. I've realized that this interpretation of Common Core is pushing the issue to the fore: my kiddos might need acceleration.

From talking to parents of other gifted students, my DC are not alone. It is actually the students that love math I am most concerned for - and DS, up until this year, was one of them. I hate to see his enthusiasm dampened so soon. But I am nervously watching this unfold, and it is making me very uncomfortable.