I wish I'd have pushed for testing for my daughter. But nothing she did really wowed me. She aced standardized tests (even perfect scored many) and that never once triggered any of her teachers to either say something to us or have them push to get her tested.

We did with our son because the teacher who gave him their screener specifically told us to push for testing for him. So we pushed for both. Our DD outscored him in math by several points (normed for age, of course).

Girls can be very good at hiding it to want to fit in. But I also think many teachers don't know how to recognize giftedness or assume just because a kid is a whiz at math and isn't taking top scores in other subjects that they *can't* be gifted.

One mom of a girl in my son's class had to push to get her daughter tested at the school. The teacher insisted her child wasn't gifted. Her scores were also higher than my son's!