I hear your frustration on not knowing what the assignments are. We are dealing with that with DD as well, even though we're writing a 504 for ADHD, DD is not even bringing home materials that she needs to do for homework or study for tests, or writing down what the assignments are. FINALLY the teachers are at least looking at her planner (basically a calendar) once in a while to make sure she is writing down assignments, but it will say things like "constitution test" with nothing brought home to actually study for the constitution test. And to top it off, I asked the teacher about this before the test and she said "Don't worry about it, she knows that all already" and then DD proceeded to get a D on the test because she never studied. So much depends on the motivation and organization of the teachers to help keep students organized, make sure things are written down correctly and specifically, and make sure they understand the assignment. When this isn't happening, I don't know what the solution is. I guess I'm going to have to email teachers on practically a daily basis.