Just a little "caveat emptor" here. I leafed through Magic Lens 1 (the level 4 grammar book), and found it full of misunderstandings about grammar. The kind of stuff that makes linguists tear their hair and scream.

I'm not just talking about simplifying a complex academic subject, similar to a physics curriculum for fourth graders. I'm talking about outright failure to understand the topic he is supposed to be teaching.

(This is sadly typical of grammar instruction in the U.S. and other anglophone countries, so this isn't really to single out these books for criticism. There's probably very little out there that's any better.)

(For a refreshing, if far too brief, counter-example, check out the new standards for grammar instruction in the U.K., which were written by an actual academic linguist.)

Last edited by MegMeg; 10/13/14 03:31 PM.