We started the Life of Fred apples when he was 4 right about the time it first came out. It doesn't really work for him. I have several of the Murderous Math books and tried introducing them over the summer. He liked the approach but did not want to read them.

I think the real problem with both of those is that his vision problems make reading arduous. Way too much text on a page.

We also tried Dream Box and too many vision problems in how they structured the questions.

This is how we ended up on IXL... only one problem per page, no distracting visuals, answers are all typed, clear connection with math standards and measurable progress and reports. But it is also perfectionism promoting, no teaching, infuriating (sometimes), and not stimulating any original thought. He gets annoyed at their slogan "practice that feels like play" because he says it is a lie.

MCT materials have nice simple pages without too many words to process at a time and the use of color to separate ideas makes it so much easier for him to follow. One reason I mentioned my math curriculum need here is because Portia's son has similar challenges to mine. I was hoping she had uncovered something good that would work for us.

From what I know right now (still hoping something better is out there)I think I need to keep taming the shut down beast working together through IXL and when he has improved there, hop over to Beast Academy...