What has held me back from Beast Academy so far is how my son is shutting down yelling, "I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it!" every time he is faced with something new. I have quite a bit of negative school experiences to "untrain".

I'm walking a tight line between an occasional challenge to work through and work that is mind numbingly too easy. I looked at the pretests for level 3 and can't see him getting through it in his current mental state. We are making progress and I keep reinforcing that the one thing I want him to learn this year is how to find solutions rather than shutting down.

On the other hand, with MCT it's so seamless he doesn't feel like he's being "challenged". Tonight, he looked at me and said, "Mom, can we please do tomorrow's Grammar Island tonight? I just love it so much!".... He says math is his favorite subject and WJ puts him as >99.9 for math. I think I just feel sad that I haven't found a way to light him up about math with his innate talent just yet when I see how well MCT is doing that for LA.

Sorry I think I've ended up thread-jacking here. The MCT stuff has just set a totally new level of quality for us... and I greedily want more. smile