Portia-- Thanks so much for this recommendation! I am just in love with this curriculum. We got it yesterday and my son and I are eating it up!

I love words and how they sound and feel... This curriculum is how I wish I could explain the beauty and intricacies of language to my child but much more artfully developed than I could ever have done on my own.

I read the pieces of this set and see a way to inspire my child to truly enjoy and learn to create language on the level which his gifts make him capable. I wonder why our schools are stuck on inventive spelling and forced formulaic writing for children who have never been taught language... It seems such a waste and I am thrilled to have this option to give my child the tools to create instead of forcing a skill for which he is not prepared.

We also bought the Mud Trilogy with the full set. I am looking forward to going through every bit of it with him. smile