Originally Posted by blackcat
I don't know anything about that assessment but if I had to make a guess,she totally tuned out the teacher reading aloud and therefore couldn't answer the questions. Does the teacher know about the ADHD? Sounds like she could use some literature on how to handle ADHD children. Yelling/punishing doesn't tend to work well. DD had a sub last year that did this and DD just became anxious, making her even slower with things, and passive aggressive, so she dug in her heals and didn't bother even trying after a while. She said "what's the point, nothing I do will ever make her happy." So what do you mean the other school you interviewed was not advertised?

It is the beginning of the year where you are? I remember reading similar complaints this time last year which were explained as "if I give 4's now then the student will have the same scores now as at the end of the year and it will look like I haven't taught her anything" eg room for growth. Alternately she is tuning out and shrugging like she says the the teacher assumes it is beyond her - which in a way it is if she is not engaged. I mean if the assessment is of whether she can listen to a boring book attentively and answer questions she can't but that is probably not what the teacher thinks she is assessing.