If you truly want to do something for her, do everything you can to remove her from that school. The year will be wasted academically, and it could be damaging psychologically. You are in a position in which I wish I could go back in time and do it over.

I just went through the same thing last year with my son. It was awful and toxic. The "disproving" the test results really strikes me as a major concern. My son's teacher last year resorted to humiliating him in class by asking him questions to things she hadn't taught. It's like she thought he should already know everything. She made it a goal to prove he wasn't any different than the other bright kids in the class. She pointed out every flaw she could. She also ignored my son's request for help when he needed it. It was so bad that we recently discovered that he didn't think he "deserved" to get help. His self-esteem crashed, his confidence disappeared and he was troubled by going to school to "waste his life away". That is heartbreaking to hear when dropping a 6yo child off at school.

We moved him to a new school this year and he is blossoming. He loves his teachers and his class. He's genuinely happy and engaged. I knew he had issues last year. I was counting down the days until he was out, but he's opening up even more about how his teacher "didn't even act like I existed". He now has something to compare last year to and it's upsetting. I'm glad we are in a new place now. It's like night and day in every aspect.

If you have any choice in the matter, change her school immediately.

Mom to DS9 and DD6