it's how rapidly he'll jump a level when he's interested

I don't want to scare you, but this is precisely the profile that we've always seen with my DD (now 15, and entering college this fall).

Looking back, she was very clearly PG even as a baby-- if I'd known what I was seeing, that is. I mention that because the rate-to-mastery indicator is (at least in my mind) so potent-- it's really a distinctive feature of very high LOG. Many educators have "heard about" this behavior/quirk, but have never actually seen a child who does it.

So please be prepared to hear something from a tester that exceeds your wildest imaginings (or fears, in some ways).

I know that sense of grieving for normal parenting very well. I was shell-shocked when I realized that there WAS no school placement for my 5yo who was already reading as well as many adults.


I love my daughter dearly, and she is interesting and engaging to be with-- but I would NEVER have homeschooled her voluntarily, given our personalities.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.