I had some more questions, if anyone's willing/able to answer.

I can start a new thread if necessary but I'm hoping to keep at least some things in one place smile

If we were to get OT treatments, would that negate the ability to diagnose dysgraphia? Is the SLP able to give diagnoses before treatment (if anything is present), or do they just recommend specific treatments without a diagnosis, just treating symptoms present?

I'm not even sure how dysgraphia and dyslexia are diagnosed. Is it based on the scores from the testing he already had (as in, if it were present it would be numerically shown or otherwise diagnosed?)? If so, are the numbers relative to IQ or other testing results or absolute cutoffs (less than 70 on a subtest for example means a LD is found, etc)?

Is it diagnosed on how he is working during the testing (observations)? Or is it more comprehensive, taking into account multiple subsets during testing, multiple observations, etc?

I don't want to delay treatments that will help him. But if we don't have an official diagnosis before starting treatment, and his symptoms improve and he never gets a diagnosis, then we still have an issue as far as accommodations. Does that make sense?

I don't want to delay accommodations if necessary, but if it's months before testing is accomplished I don't want to ignore treatments this whole time if I can start them sooner.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.