Hi Displaced,

I'm in your shoes to a large extent. Our kids have very similar profiles. We just finished extensive neuropsych evaluation, and my DS6 (almost 7) is very, very similar to yours. I posted relevant numbers in the 2e section and you should check them out! I edited out absolute values, but left in the intervals. Private message me if you want to talk about the absolute values.

I'm no expert here, but I can tell you one useful thing - based on the score spreads and on some additional assessment, DS was indeed diagnosed with dyslexia/dysgraphia. We are jumping into researching therapies, and hope to actually be able to get him some meaningful support.

Also - reading this thread is the first time I've been grateful that DS expresses his anxiety/struggles in school as "fight", not "flight." I see so clearly that his disruptive/rough behavior in school pushed us in a way that a quieter, more internalized struggle on his part never would have done. When I have heard of other PG kids' quieter struggles, I always wished DS would struggle more quietly, too. But now I realize that his spectacularly un-quiet struggles pushed us to look harder, sooner. And I'm so glad we did.

Note to self - Try to keep this frame of mind in place as I dive into the school struggles this year. wink

We still have a lot to figure out about what DS's assessment tells us. But it feels good to have something to really work on!
