Oh my gosh, this stuff is so fascinating. And the tests are really sort of elegant in the way they look for strengths and weaknesses. Aside from being an incredibly stressful analysis of my child, this is a completely engrossing academic exercise! Like the ultimate puzzle.

And FYI - in the hope of catching something that would be DYS portfolio worthy, I just videoed DS reading the complex instructions on 4 of his Magic the Gathering cards. I shamelessly fibbed to him, and told him the videos were for his big cousin Brett, who also plays the game. Otherwise DS would never have done the reading for a video. Utterly fluent, except for the glaring points where he seamlessly substituted the wrong word without ever realizing it ("fare" for "far" and "Aera" for "Aura"). He really is reading Every. Single. Word. as a sight word.

AEH - I so admire the work you do and the eloquent way you have of explaining it. The kids you work with are fortunate. I hope their parents realize it ....