We tried gymnastics for my son with hypotonia from about 6-9 years old. It was great. It was fun. It helped a lot, But my son could not figure out the forward roll. Also strength-wise he plateaued. The gym said in order for my boys to make any more progress we had to start coming more days a week. We could barely afford what we were doing and we still couldn't get my son to figure out the forward roll.

We took a break for the summer and spent that in swim lessons. Half way through the summer he tried out for swim team and the rest is history. Four years later you would never know he has hypotonia now....his fingers, mouth and feet seem to be the most affected at this point.

I am not thinking that the hypononia disappeared in the other areas of his body but all those muscles are so strong now that he is able to compensate. And he can do a flip turn in the water and a forward roll on land.