Also, next to a mathy boy, like my DS - my uber-verbal 6-year-old DD would have looked like a math slug at age 6. It's not that she didn't have the ability, but next to a child more interested in math - she simply didn't have the knowledge that comes with applying oneself in math (that seems to be developing now, though). Remember that these kiddos are capable of huge leaps and that they don't always have even development. Hang in there, slammie!

I agree with this, and also counsel patience. I have a 6yo too, and he's not extremely interested in math despite seeming quite competent in it (and being a chess whiz, so clearly there's some nonverbal stuff in there). He also seems a little erratic with calculation skills, sometimes extremely able and other times telling me that 120 plus 120 is 140, etc. I also have the benefit of having an older child who has sort of had fits and spurts with talent and development, though. She may take a little while to find her feet in this area, but it doesn't mean the ability isn't there.