Originally Posted by slammie
Teacher told us she is well placed in her classroom and she is only in the top third in math ability. She does not want DD to go to the 2nd grade classroom for math and she feels she does not need any assistance from our DYS consultant.

Is the teacher basing that statement just on that one test where she spaced out, or other tests as well? If she is DYS I assume you have achievement scores? Have you shared those with the teacher?

Sorry to hear about the attitude of the teacher. We have encountered that type of thing and it is frustrating, esp. when you know what your child is capable of and they only see the data they want to see rather than the whole picture. One thing that ultimately helped was the above-level computerized testing which was done on him alone. Normally it's not done til second grade. Of course we had the problem where DS refused to write and did everything in his head (he was in first grade), but he still did well and it showed that he had mastered many concepts at a 4th-6th grade level.