Originally Posted by greenlotus
we are waiting for the 504 to be implemented so the new teacher has no idea that DD9 was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive.
This sounds amiss, something may be missing. If the school is not aware that your child has ADHD inattentive (or ADD as described in a previous thread), what is the child's 504 based on?

How do I bring this subject up with a teacher so she doesn't look at my child as a "problem child"?
The previous post mentions the child forgetting things immediately after being told, and losing homework... these behaviors are problematic and do not serve the child well. If a school understands there is a brain based reason for the problematic behaviors, they may begin to coach the child in learning and practicing specific techniques to compensate, and grow necessary skills.

DD9 is SSA and AIG, but I am worried that once the teacher knows she has a LD she will think DD isn't capable of advanced work.
Your child being single subject accelerated and identified as academically/intellectually gifted may be indicators of a responsive school system.

Or are teachers so used to ADHD that I am overworrying?
Some teachers may be familiar with ADHD, some may not. Parents becoming familiar with resources such as wrightslaw and NCLD may be helpful for any future advocacy.