By far, DS8's highest score was in the Matrix Reasoning when he was tested at 6.5. I suspect I would be somewhat similar if tested.

Things I liked as a kid -
- lego, lego and more lego
- building models - I particularly remember building a working, see through model of a V8 engine with my dad around age 10
- taking things apart and trying to fix them - my dad could fix anything and everything and he let me help for as long as I can remember. We took apart VCR's, washers, driers, vacuum cleaners, etc.
- art
- piano

Things DS likes
- basically the same as above
- we also do a lot of computer/robot type stuff with him

I took art all of the way through school. Our school was known for it's art program and no one took it for easy credit (I put more work into that one course than anything else). Most people were building their portfolio to attend art college. Of the ones that didn't do art college there were 2 engineers, 1 physics major (he then did architecture) and 1 comp sci. I was one of the engineers.

My job is 99% finding patterns and solving problems. In school I found the ability to be able to picture things and spin them around in my head very useful in the more advanced math and physics classes so I would imagine it might be useful in those types of careers as well. For some types of engineering it would be extremely useful to be able to rotate 3-D images but my field isn't one of them. I was also always good at reading maps and getting places although now that GPS is so easy to access that is a bit less of a perk/skill.

It has also saved me a few bucks on car repairs.....